You Have it in You

You pick out your shoes,

it makes you feel confident,

like you’re sure of yourself,

like you know where you’re going


You pick at your cereal,

too anxious to eat 

butterflies in your tummy,

you worry about how the day’s gonna go

but it goes

and you know

yeah, you know


You have it in you

to try something new

like the first day of school

you have it in you

you have it in you


While we’re waiting in traffic,  

you’re so patient,

you take a deep breath

without even complaining

then you can’t find your classroom,

but you persevere,

yeah you look and you look

and you never give up,

’cause you’re ready to listen (you’re curious)

you’re ready to learn and

you find where you’re going (so optimistic)

the day starts to turn

you make a new friend

and the teacher begins to say


You have it in you

to try something new

like the first day of school

you have it in you

you have it in you


You’ve so much potential

you’re so capable

so go take a swing,

you can do anything


You have it in you

to try something new

like the first day of school

you have it in you.